Nos réalisations parlent pour nous


Mise en place d’une plateforme unique basée sur le CMS Drupal, pour la gestion des portails Internet, Intranet et un espace dédié aux médecins généralistes

Clusters wallons

Développement d’une nouvelle version du portail web et de 7 sous-sites basée sur Drupal avec un focus sur l’autonomie des clusters dans la gestion des contenus


Refonte des sites du groupe avec un CMS unique, permettant d’optimiser leur gouvernance et facilité la publication de contenus

Transform your online presence with user-focused websites that deliver a superior experience. 

We build web solutions : 

  • based on solid data about what users really need (UX Research) ; 
  • accessible to everyone; 
  • adapted to any context (responsive); 
  • mobile-first; 
  • standard, fast and sober; 
  • respecting your identity, charters and standards; 
  • in phase with your other communication channels. 

Why call on Contraste Digital for your website?

Gain autonomy 

We give your teams a hand by training them in the creation of new pages, the adaptation of existing content and certain graphic elements. Save time while improving your team's efficiency. 

Publish faster 

Don't wait any longer! We design solutions that will enable your users to create content quickly and easily to respond to a specific market, product category, audience or service. 

Optimise your referencing  

Everyone wants to be seen, don't you? Increase your visibility by highlighting your content and making it easy to update. We improve page performance and search engine positioning.   

Personalise your content 

Don't serve the same soup to everyone. Each audience has its own content. By integrating with the rest of your information system, we can help you reach your different audiences: partners, customers, employees. 

Control your costs 

Afraid of spending too much money? We're committed into giving you a clear view of project costs and sticking to it. We design solutions that deliver ROI in the short to medium term. 

Managing complexity  

Is your project complex? Whether your site is multilingual, multi-country, high-traffic, or has strong interactions with other tools or components, you'll benefit from our experience on large-scale, complex projects. 

Technologies & Solutions

There is no better technology for your site than one that is adapted to your objectives and constraints. We can offer you our expertise in standard technologies such as :

  • Content management: CMS Drupal and WordPress
    Web interfaces: HTML5 and SASS
    User experience: JavaScript and its libraries (React, Angular, or Vue.js)
    Back-end frameworks: Symfony or Node.js
    Relational databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB and NoSQL (MongoDB, Cassandra)
    APIs and web services
    Indexing management : Apache Solr
    Link with Microsoft Active Directory
    Tools such as Git, Gulp